Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wild Charm.

Ben may be more of a retard ever since he got together with me...but I still get to see the mature side of him every now and then when we get to certain subjects.
Just the other day, we were talking about relationship stuff with -.

It's just things that he says, that offers such a different perspective sometimes.
I mean, to be able to put such a general and abstract idea, like love, into not easy? 
Maybe, it's only me who can't put Love into words.
But I just listen in admiration, as he speaks. 
(Okay, charmed is also applicable.) 

"Love is a decision. You choose to love someone. If you're off to find another, someone better....then it'll never end. Because, there'll always be someone better."

"It's a cycle, everything's a cycle. In your relationship, there will be the up-stage and the down-stage. When you both are in the down-stage, it's a decision both have to make whether you all want to work hard to make it up again. He'll revert, he'll definitely revert back but you have to play that part in making him realise that he's taking people around him for granted."

"When we quarrel, even if I'm right and she's wrong, I'll still give in and apologise. It's not the about who winning. It's about 'we' winning. It's not about the stronger or weaker fact, the stronger party should actually apologise. From there, I'll teach her and help her learn from her mistakes. That's my role to play."

I would think it's actually very nice words coming from him.
Awwww, sorry that I'm gushing over him.
But it's really these things about him that I admire. 

I mean for girls, girls will usually side girls in any gf/bf rs problem....and some guys may just be an idiot in these stuff. 
So yah, just so glad Ben is better in this than me.

In the meantime, another quote that really hits me.
I have no idea why, but I just think that it's so beautifully written that it hurts.
Is it even possible? 

I've been reading quite a lot lately.
I love reading~ 
Sometimes, I think I'm just not made to live in Singapore.
Maybe somewhere more slow-paced, where I could bake all day, savour my baking goods, sip tea by the window overlooking the starry night and read a book.

Aleph - Paulo Coelho 

And, another quote.

Alright, goodnight world.
Can't wait to read more books. 
Sucks that people around me don't enjoy reading books because I've been recommending them some books but nobody actually read any.