Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Today's the birth of my cupcake business!!!!
I've been preparing for 2 months or so for this.
Baking and taking pictures of my little babies....
I was rather hesitant at first because I was really worried about a lot of stuff.
I was afraid I couldn't handle orders properly, live up to expectations...etc.
But with my friends, siblings and Ben encouraging me to start it up, I did!
Really thankful for their help in every in tasting, giving my ideas, comments....I really appreciate everything!

Anyway I din't actually start the business today, I was just preparing for it and showing the page to Mikoh and she "liked" it!
Forgot to warn her not to like it, and then it happened and my cupcake page was for the world to see.
And tada!!! The birth of Cupcake Post!
It was rather hilarious!!
But so this was how I got started anyway!
It's so exciting yet scary at the same time! I can't wait for my first order! And I wonder who would it be!
Anyway, these are just baby steps and I really hope people love my babies as much as I do.

Baby steps to my dream of opening a shop/cafe.

Anyway people, please support my little business!!!
Some of the cupcakes I'll be selling...

For more information please visit
Feel free to email me at or ask in my Formspring!